Monday, September 15, 2008

Not every post needs a picture.

Seven years ago today, I married my best friend. Last Wednesday, he filed for divorce. He left the church, then me and ultimately I come to find out that he found someone else while he was in Tennessee in June. I know it's shocking. Although, I'm sure the news had started to get around. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I know you are all worried about what kind of comment you are supposed to leave after I say something like that. Don't worry. I don't mind being asked about it, it's just that this was the only way I could figure out how to make this public knowledge without having to tell everyone myself. It's hard to start a conversation that is so shocking. I've been relying a lot on my faith. I know the Lord knows all of my pain and trials and that I can turn to him when I feel like I can't handle it. My children keep me getting up every morning and moving forward. I love them so much. As for the future, I've been seriously considering going back to school. Although I'm not sure what I want to study. I would really love to do photography but I think I'll need to pair it with something a little more practical. I think for the time being though I'd like to do a little more photography work. It's what I love. I know you are all very concerned and I thank you in advance for it.


Annaca said...

Lyndi, I love you to death and I hope you know you and your sweet boys are in our prayers. I can't wait to see you and Les next month. Hopefully we can just enjoy each other, and our cute kids, and the perfect Southern Utah fall weather!

Jim Innes said...


Leslie and I are with you and are here if you need anything. Keep your head up, you are an amazing person and a good mom to your great boys. Glad to see you leaning on the gospel, thats what it is here for :)

JethRobyn said...

I'm sorry Lyndi, I don't even think I can understand the hurt and pain this situation would bring. But know that I love ya, and am praying for you and your boys. If you need anything, even a girls night out, let me know. I'm sure Ang and I can whip some good times up for us! Keep up the faith.

Angela said...

We love you and your boys so much. I am so sorry something like this has happened to you, but I know you will make it through. Keep praying and relying on your faith.

Bonnie said...

We are here for you if you ever need to talk. We are behind you in support 100%.

Smith Family said...

That breaks my heart for you!! I am so sorry that you have to go through that. I am so glad that you know that the Lord knows how you feel. I could never say that I know how you feel but he definitely does. Lean on him, he wants you to. We will keep you in our prayers.

pinksuedeshoe said...

We are here for you and we love you. If you need anything let me know, babysitter, cook, cleaner, etc.

Erika said...

I am so sorry, Lyndi. I hope you can be strengthened and are able to keep your head up as you rely on God.

Paul and Elissa Francis said...

Lyndi, I am so sorry to hear this news. Keep your head up and rely on your faith. It will get you through. And if you ever need to escape to SoCal, we have an extra room with your name on it. Bring the boys. The beach is only 20 minutes away. I'm thinking of you and praying for you.

Mark Nott said...

we love you lyndi.

Unknown said...

you have my love and support as well.

Yelyah's Corner said...


I love you to death, and this seriously makes me sick to my stomach. I want you to know that you are such an amazing girl, and you definitely will be in my prayers. What are you doing this weekend?

Mary said...

Love ya' and praying for you.

trashly said...

hey check out She's an amazing photographer and a great teacher. You are awesome too and should maybe check her out cuz i think she's hiring. She's expending her studio to other places and looking for photographers to head them up. Take Care. things get better i might not seem like it somedays but it will.

Abby said...

Hi Lyndi,
I know we really haven't talked much over the years but I always thought you were a great person and I hope for the best from this sad news. But, if you need anything like advice on school, student loans, or help with anything else please let me know. Good luck during this tough time.

Abby Evans