Monday, May 19, 2008

He's here!

Baby Liam was born early Friday morning at 4:38am, weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs 14 oz. and 19 in long. After daily NST's for a week for low amniotic fluid, the doctor finally decided we could not wait any longer and induced me four weeks early. (I thought it was only three weeks early, doctor says it was four.) Liam is small but that is the only sign that he was early. I never thought I'd have such a tiny baby. I'm not complaining though, I'll take delivering 5 pounders over 8 pounders. He's so small that yesterday his preemie diaper fell off of him. :) It's crazy the difference between Liam and Aiden. Speaking of the big brother, he is so excited that Liam is here. I think he's hoping he'll get big quick so he'll be a better playmate.


leslie jo said...

oh soo cute! He is a doll. I can't wait to see him in person. I wish you must rest and many naps!

Every time I come to your blog JO says I want to watch "I got soda" hhehe

Mark Nott said...

Cute and Congrats

Smith Family said...

Congratulations!! Isn't it a great feeling to finally be done being pregnant. The first few weeks are always so hard for me. If you need anything please let me know!! Good luck!! By the way, he is so cute!!

Anne-a-Belle said...

It's amazing how much he looks like Travis--especially since Aiden looked so much like you. He's so cute. Congrats!

Annaca said...

Congratulations Guys!! Liam is a total doll, and is he blond?! Big brother is also super cute and looks like he's adjusting into the role quite nicely. I'm so happy for you, and I'm glad he's healthy and everything went well.

Lyndi said...

Yup, he's a blondie.

Erika said...

Congratulations!! He's so cute and tiny!!! So funny that his preemie diaper fell off! I hope your getting some sleep.

brooke allred said...

OOOhhh! He is so sweet! I want to hold him! How fun! That is how big my boys were!! So tiny! Congrats to you guys!! Let me know when the ward stops brining dinner and I will bring one!I wish you all lots of luck and good health not to mention sleep! :)

pinksuedeshoe said...

He is so tiny, and so sweet, and I just keep thinking about that cute little head and his tiny sneezes!